“Search?” I hear you mutter, “full text search? Really?”
Well yes indeed! We’ve always offered a field-based search facility in LDC Via, but of course, chances are your users will want to search for a phrase across an entire document or collection of documents. Enter LDC Via’s full text search functionality.
Searching like this is often a must-have in an application, but it’s not straightforward to implement when dealing with a platform like LDC Via that offers document-level security. We took some time and did it right, implementing full-text search for those using paid tiers in LDC Via. So if you’re signed up to one of our paid plans, you have a single box to tick and you’re good to go:
Full search functionality will now be available in both the standard templates we offer and the LDC Via API.
You can also combine full text search with standard field-based search in a single query. For example, you could issue a single query to get all contracts with an issue date between 01-Jan-15 and 31-Mar-15 within the category “New client”, and mentioning “banana” anywhere in their text.