The annual Stack Overflow developer survey is in, and the results aren’t all that surprising: funnily enough, artificial intelligence and machine learning are hot topics, as are “coding ethics” — only a small proportion of respondents would engage in “unethical” coding practices. Software has moved on from being the odd app on a phone, the odd wide-ranging enterprise web app: it’s a big deal, and has a massive impact on us all.
Similarly interesting is the language trend: Python surpassed PHP in the survey last year, and this year it’s cruised past C# in the popularity stakes. Get learning!
So far so good, but then we get in to demographics, and things are far more depressing. A massive 92.7% of respondents were male, 6.8% female, 0.7% transgender, and 0.9% identified as non-binary, genderqueer or otherwise gender non-confirming. Almost three-quarters of those surveyed are also white / European in descent. There’s a lot of work to do.