Whilst we sponsored Engage this year, it was a slightly muted affair for LDC Via, as only one of the motley crew made it to the conference, alas. Theo and Hilde put on an excellent show at a stunning excellent venue: Autoworld, set in the beautiful Parc Du Cinquantenaire (AKA Jubelpark) in Brussels. Thank you Theo, you did it again!
Our diminution in numbers meant that we couldn’t run a stand this time round. Whilst that was a little disappointing, it did mean that for the first time in years, I could attend some sessions! The opening keynotes were interesting and well-presented: HCL and IBM both have a plan, and even some marketing! I particularly enjoyed the new format speed-sponsoring, ably wrangled by Mr. Tony Holder (and that has nothing to do with the fact that I won some beer. Cough).
From our perspective as a services organisation, it’s interesting to see other companies present their products. ISW’s commercial session on Kudos Boards was very good indeed; they’ve done a cracking job implementing this useful tool, and there are some interesting features in the pipeline too. Recommended!
Sadly we missed our friend Andrew with his session on Sphinx in favour of a DQL presentation from Tim Davis, but at least we can read the slides eh! (Danke für die Schokolade mein Freund!)
Update: here’s a link to Tim’s presentation on DQL.
In other news, hell froze over: I attended an administrators session… But not just any session, oh no! Gab ran through 60 Admin Tips in 60 Minutes which was fantastic, and sure to be useful as I flail around in the console.
Until next year.